In Blog, Cosmetic Dentistry, Whitening

There are a lot of reasons why you might be looking into cosmetic dentistry. For example, you may have old dental work that’s starting to show its age, or you may simply not have been blessed with well-shaped or colored teeth. The good news is that those situations can be fixed.

Whitening is one of the most common cosmetic procedures available in dentistry today. It involves the use of bleaching gel or light energy to break down the stains on tooth enamel and create a brighter looking tooth surface. We use the Venus Whitening system for in-office or at-home treatments, providing you with the best options for brightening your smile.

Bonding is most often used when there are cracks or chips in one or more teeth, and uses a substance much like the composite filling material we use to repair cavities. Veneers can also be used to change the appearance of your teeth, although these are usually more expensive. Along with cosmetic contouring procedures, veneers and bonding can be applied to change the size, shape and color of your teeth for a more uniform appearance.

What would make you feel more confident in your smile? Be sure to ask us during your next visit, or just call today and schedule a consultation. We love to see you smile!

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