We’re happy to announce that Livonia Family Dental has reopened to treat all our patients. Thank you so much for your support during this difficult time. If you need to set up an [...]
by Dr. Ellie Phillips of www.zellies.com Self-isolation has created new daily schedules for all of us. With these changes your usual routines probably went out the window. Some things to [...]
Save your teeth and earn some cash! We will be holding our annual Halloween Candy Buy Back on November 4th and 5th from 9am – 5pm in our office located at 15939 Middlebelt Rd., Livonia, [...]
Dr. Zuzana Grunberger at Livonia Family Dental will host our sixth annual Dentistry from the Heart event, which supports Wayne County residents by providing the first 50 adult patients with free [...]
Brought to you by www.mouthhealthy.org by the American Dental Association School will be back in session before you know it. Send your child off to class with a new bookbag, fresh pencils and a [...]
This year’s Dentistry From The Heart will be held on September 30th, 2017 We are happy to announce our date for this year’s Dentistry From The Heart! We will hold this even on [...]
We’re wrapping up Oral Cancer Awareness Month here at Livonia Family Dental, and wanted to share an article from the ADA’s website Mouthhealthy.org for our patients. As always, [...]
We’re wrapping up March’s National Nutrition month here at Livonia Family Dental, and wanted share an article written by Ryan Andrews from Precision Nutrition that sums up how [...]
What is Oil Pulling, and is it Good for Your Mouth? If you’re a fan of natural health remedies and always aim to keep your mouth in tip-top-shape, you may have heard about a centuries-old [...]
Whether you call them cold sores or fever blisters, if you’re among the more than 40% of Americans who regularly experience this inflammatory viral nuisance, you know they’re anything [...]