One of the holistic dentistry concepts that we work to foster with our patients is that of personal responsibility. You are in charge of maintaining good, healthy habits, and if you’re a [...]
Bruxism is the technical term for a habit of clenching and grinding the teeth together. In some patients this occurs during day-to-day activities, while others may only grind their teeth while [...]
X-rays have long been used in dentistry to help identify cavities and problem areas in the teeth, gums and underlying jaw bones. New advances in technology have recently brought us the Digital [...]
You already know that your diet can affect your dental health, but some topics are so important that they need to be revisited. What you eat and drink has a huge impact on your dental and [...]
Whether you have some old dental work that’s starting to show its age or you just want a brighter, straighter smile, you can solve most of these issues with cosmetic dentistry. For example, [...]
We all know that smoking is bad for us and for those around us. However, kicking the habit can be incredibly difficult. If you’re ready to stop smoking—if you’re tired of the smell on [...]
Do you still have your wisdom teeth? Why did your wisdom teeth need to be extracted? Does everyone has wisdom teeth, and when do they typically erupt? The answers to these and other questions are [...]
Whether you have some old dental work that’s starting to show its age or you just want a brighter, straighter smile, you can solve most of these issues with cosmetic dentistry. For example, we [...]
If left untreated, your or your child’s mouth breathing habit could cause a number of physical or medical problems. Chronic sleeping problems or abnormal facial and dental development are [...]