You may have heard that chewing sugar-free gum can be good for your dental health, but do you know why? First and foremost, of course, is that “sugar-free” means you won’t be washing your teeth with cavity-causing sugar. However, that only makes this gum fall into the “not bad for you” bin. What makes it a healthy activity?
Chewing gum causes your mouth to produce more saliva, effectively helping you wash away the food particles that can stick to the gum line and eventually cause decay or gingivitis. Additionally, your saliva helps to distribute phosphate and calcium to your teeth, both of which are instrumental in strengthening your tooth enamel.
It’s important to remember that although chewing sugarless gum after a meal can be helpful, it’s no replacement for good dental hygiene. You must still floss and then brush your teeth after each meal if you want to keep that great smile.
Look for the ADA Seal on your favorite brand of sugarless chewing gum, and rest assured that this habit will help you supplement your dental health.