Mouth breathing may not seem like a particularly dangerous condition, but if left untreated your child could develop a number of physical or medial problems. For example, untreated mouth breathing can lead to chronic sleeping problems or abnormal facial and dental development. Today we’ll explore the possible causes of mouth breathing and what to do about it.
Allergies can cause mouth breathing simply because the nasal passages are too constricted or clogged to allow a smooth passage of air. There are a number of very effective over-the-counter medications to treat allergies in children. You should always seek the advice of your pediatrician if the allergy symptoms aren’t controlled.
Mouth breathing can also be the result of swollen tonsils or adenoids. If this is the case, surgery may be required to remove the offending blockages. Ask us if you think you might need a referral for an ear-nose-throat (ENT) specialist.
Finally, mouth breathing can even be caused by just a habit. If your child frequently has bad breath, a dry mouth and trouble sleeping, mouth breathing may be the culprit. We can usually determine if your child is breathing mainly through his mouth by simple observation.
The short answer is that mouth breathing—and all its causes—are treatable. If you have any questions or concerns at all, this is a great time to schedule a checkup and exam with us. Call Livonia Family Dental today or use our handy online scheduling tool.