In Babies and Toddlers, Dental Hygiene, Disorders, Preventative Care

Many parents are told to use a pacifier for babies, as they can use the sucking sensation as a form of self-comforting. Pacifiers have also been shown reduce the risk of SIDS by causing the baby to not sleep as deeply. However, there comes a time when his pacifier will begin to cause problems for your little one. How do you know when is the right time to stop?

Weaning from a pacifier doesn’t have to be a traumatic event in your child’s life. Most dentists encourage pacifier weaning by the age of two, about the same time that your child should begin toilet training. While it will take some time, patience and effort on your part, keep in mind that that consistency is the key.

You can start by reserving the pacifier for naps and bedtime. Next, move on to only bedtime. For the final weaning, determine a more mature pastime or activity for your child, and tell him briefly that soon he’ll be big enough to do it. Mention that kids that big don’t use a pacifier anymore.

When it’s time to gather up the pacifiers, your child can even help. Don’t forget to reward him! Even though you may have a few difficult nights, it’s worth it to protect your child’s oral and dental health.

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