There are a few different reasons why we might recommend a tooth extraction. For example, you may have crowding of your permanent teeth, with no room left for a wisdom tooth that wants to come in. You might also have significant trauma or decay of a tooth that can’t be saved; we’ll have to do an extraction before we can fix the space with an implant or partial dentures.
If you are having an extraction, there are things you can do to ensure that you have a relatively painless and easy time during and after the procedure. First, check with us about pain and anxiety management during your extraction appointment. We can recommend and offer pain and anxiety solutions to keep you comfortable, both mentally and physically. Make sure you understand your after-care treatment instructions, such as not smoking or using a straw to drink.
For the first few days following your extraction, you’ll want to be extra gentle while brushing, flossing and rinsing. A cold cloth or pack held against the outside of your jaw can help reduce pain and swelling. If we’ve prescribed an antibiotic, make sure to complete the entire regimen. Stopping too soon can seriously hinder the effectiveness of your antibiotic and lead to a new or worsened infection.
Follow these tips and your tooth extraction will go smoothly with a minimum of discomfort. We’ll have you smiling in no time!