If you have recently been diagnosed with periodontitis, or severe gum disease, you may be wondering what your options are for treating the problem. Livonia Family Dental offers holistic dental [...]
Livonia Family Dental is proud to offer minimally invasive dental procedures, also known as “microdentistry.” This concept is centered on preserving as much of your natural tooth [...]
While fillings made of silver amalgam may be a bit cheaper than those of composite filling material, we neither use nor recommend that method. Why? Because composite fillings are clearly so much [...]
You’re probably starting to droop by about 2 or 3 PM on most workdays, and it’s typical for many people to reach for a cup of coffee, caffeinated soda or energy drink at this point. [...]
As a parent, your role and responsibility to your child is almost beyond comprehension. Nearly everything your child learns within his first few years comes from you. That’s why it’s [...]
The American Dental Association recommends quarterly tooth cleanings, and Spring is a great time to come in for your own personalized appointment. We customize the treatment to suit your [...]
Your smile should reflect your bright and happy personality, so why are you putting up with a less-than-perfect grin? As we prepare to head into Spring, perhaps you should look into your cosmetic [...]
Participating in extracurricular school activities is great for your children, teaching them about dedication and the arts in a fun way. However, the instruments your kids are using may be [...]
Now that we know dental decay begins happening in early childhood, dental sealants have become even more popular. However, adults are now beginning to turn to this quick and painless procedure as [...]
We’ve known for decades now that tobacco is an incredibly harmful and addictive substance, yet many people are still smoking or chewing. What damage is tobacco really causing you? Aside [...]