You’re probably starting to droop by about 2 or 3 PM on most workdays, and it’s typical for many people to reach for a cup of coffee, caffeinated soda or energy drink at this point. However, a recent study has found that energy drinks are causing irreversible tooth damage, especially in teenagers.
What’s the culprit? The high acidity levels in energy drinks is probably to blame for the increase in tooth decay, gum disease and erosion of the tooth enamel. While this acidity level can vary wildly between brands of energy drinks, nearly all of them are more acidic even than sports drinks.
This doesn’t mean to can’t have energy drinks any more, but it does mean that you should keep a couple of things in mind. First, limit the number of energy drinks you consume, and try to always follow them with water or sugarless chewing gum. Avoid brushing your teeth for at least an hour after an energy drink to avoid spreading the acid over all of your tooth surfaces.
Finally, look for healthier ways to boost your energy. Get up and take a quick five-minute walk, even if it’s just around your office building or parking lot. Make sure you’re having a high-energy breakfast and a light lunch during your work day, and that you’re getting good sleep the night before.